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在法兰克福机场有两个火车站. 长途火车站AlRail内的快速火车(ICE和IC)驶往德国个大城市, 如科隆或海德堡. 各列车到达和出发在4号到7号站台. 从一号候机楼的区域火车站您可乘坐地铁S8或S9(往Hanau或Offenbach方向)前往法兰克福市中心.每15分钟一班.您可在旅行社(位于一号候机楼到达A区,地下一层)或自动售票机上购买车票

Frankfurt Airport has two railway stations The long-distance railway station is at the AIRail Terminal, right next to Terminal 1. Trains arrive at and depart from platforms 4 to 7.
In addition, there is a local railway station for S-Bahn, regional and local trains at Terminal 1, Level 1. Trains arrive at and depart from platforms 1 to 3.     
Both railway stations are linked to Terminal 2 via buses and the Sky Line. This is how you get there
From the platform (Level 0, Area B) go one floor higher up, following signs to Terminal 2. When in Area B or C, get on a free Shuttle Bus to Terminal 2. The service runs between 05:00 and 03:00 hrs (5am to 3am). Alternatively, follow signs to the Sky Line in Hall B. This service to Terminal 2 runs at 2-minute intervals.

Important: You are not permitted to take trolleys onto a Sky Line train.