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Ski New Zealand

http://www.5iucn.com/  新闻来源: 新西兰旅游局网站   发布日期: 2007/7/13 9:43:00

When the northern hemisphere turns on a great snow season, climatic history tells us that the southern hemisphere usually follows. So you’ll be pleased to know that all the evidence is pointing to a ‘big snow’ year for New Zealand. We’re talking deep cover, legendary powder and fields open well into spring. Of course, a winter holiday in New Zealand isn’t just about the cold stuff. It’s also a vehicle for other types of adventure - wine trailing, golf, jet boating, bungy jumping, sightseeing, bar hopping, restaurant spotting and power shopping, just to mention a few. All of this is wrapped around scenery that never fails to make your jaw drop. Spectacular mountains rising out of icy blue lakes and verdant green valleys; white-topped volcanoes surrounded by lush rainforest; snowy peaks marking the spine of the South Island for as far as the eye can see. Winter is pure magic - you’ll quickly fall under its spell.


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